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Super Foods To Make Your Mind Sharper

(CBS) -- Names, dates, passwords -- does your memory sometimes let you down?

It happens to everyone eventually.  Cognitive abilities can start dropping in our 40s.

But as CBS 2's Mary Kay Kleist reports, there are foods you can eat to keep your mind sharp and nourished.

Two powerful brain foods are sardines and salmon.  Both are high in Omega 3s, as are nuts. A study in the journal "Neurology" shows people with low levels of Omega 3s had brains that appeared two years older on MRI scans.

Yogurt is rich in vitamin B-12. Studies show that people with low levels of B-12 perform poorly on long-term memory tests.  So, adding yogurt to your diet may be healthy for your brain.

Sunflower seeds nourish the brain because they are high in Vitamin E.   So are foods made with whole grains.  Broccoli and spinach are two more brain power foods.  Experts say it's not like you have to eat them every day, but if you make these healthy choices a regular part of your diet, you'll be smarter longer.

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