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The Future Is Here: There's A 3-D Food Printer

(CBS) -- One of the latest gadgets may help you cook dinner—and even take over completely for you.

Faster than you can say "The Jetsons," the Foodini is in production. It's a food printer.

That may sound weird, but that's pretty much what it does. You add "capsules" of fresh ingredients in the microwave-sized machine and push a button; it will mix it and spit it out on your plate.

Company Unveils 3-D Food Printer

Maybe it's better to say it prints it out on your plate.

Lynette Kuscma of manufacturer Natural Machines says the idea is to allow you to make things you wouldn't normally make—like home-made raviolis or meatballs or something else you consider complicated.

This machine doesn't cook it for you—yet.

"We're actually developing a version that does that as well," Kuscma says.

Foodini should be on store shelves by this time next year.



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