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Walter: Not All Springfield Pay Cuts Created Equal

CHICAGO (CBS) -- There is nothing a politician likes more than to get credit for saving the taxpayers' money.

So the leaders of the House in Springfield are yapping about how they're saving money by making a sacrifice -– not only cutting salaries by 10 percent, but also rejecting a cost-of-living increase. 

Wow! Aren't they the best. Are they ever.

Until you consider who's really making the sacrifice. It's not the leaders of the House, those old heavyweights in Springfield, because they're not cutting their own salaries or cost-of-living increases.  They're slicing into the new member of the House, cutting that 10 percent (about $7,000 a year) off the rookie salaries.

Proof of the pudding that the Illinois General Assembly is a place where you don't have to earn your pay, just your clout.

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