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South Side Residents Upset Broken Manhole Cover Not Getting Fixed

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Residents of a South Side neighborhood say it's high-time somebody did something about a problem with a manhole cover.

"It's very dangerous," one Washington Heights neighborhood resident said of the manhole cover that people living on the 10000 block of South Aberdeen Street claim has been a problem for three weeks.

He said, it's been sitting askew over the top of the manhole, or missing entirely, depending on the time he goes past the manhole.

"A car could fall into it, or … a child can fall into it," he said. "There was a while where there was no manhole cover at all."

He said he's called 311 about the missing manhole cover twice, and someone has responded, but the problem remains unsolved.

A spokesman for the Chicago Water Department said the manhole has a cracked frame and crews will be excavating around it to repair it. Spokesman Tom LaPorte isn't certain of a timetable for the work, but he said, "It's a priority."

LISTEN: WBBM Newsradio's Steve Miller reports


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