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Walter's Perspective: Let Father Pfleger Stay Put

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Father Pfleger ought not to be up in the air, I don't think.

St. Sabina doesn't think so, either. Nor do Father Pfleger's parishioners or his neighbors or the owners of the shops on 79th Street -- or the police or the public schools.

In fact, it seems that a big part of the South Side of Chicago doesn't think Father Pfleger ought to be up in the air, not until he's assigned to a perfect parish in heaven.

Most everybody who's ever had anything to do with Pfleger thinks he ought to be right where he is, in St. Sabina, forever, to continue what he's been doing for a quarter of a century: looking out for the largest African-American parish in the city, likely the only African-American parish that doesn't need to be subsidized by the Archdiocese.

We reporters know him for leading his flock against gangbanger-violence and cigarette billboards near the schools, and against the merchants who sell liquor to children.

So why does Cardinal George want him out of St. Sabina? I called the Archdiocese to ask, and was told just one thing: no comment.

I say Cardinal George ought to ask Father Pfleger to please stay at St. Sabina -- and then kneel and pray that he does.

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