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Free Housekeeping Services For Cancer Patients

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Someone you care about may be struggling with cancer and perhaps that person could use some help around the house.

There's a way to get housekeeping services during treatment--absolutely free. Patients say it not only creates a clean house, but a healing environment. CBS 2's Susan Carlson reports.

Courtney Haye moved in with her parents to take care of them, never realizing that soon she would be the one in need of care. Last December, a colonoscopy revealed she had cancer.

"Since that time, I had radiation and chemo and surgery and just finishing up another four months of chemo," she said

During her difficult treatment, there was one thing that made her feel even worse.

"When your house is a mess, it's just one more added stress," Haye said.

Then she discovered "Cleaning For A Reason." It's a program that provides free cleaning services to cancer patients.

"We wash floors on hands and knees so we can get into all the corners and wash the baseboards while we're doing floors," said Kaye Lang, who owns McMaids Home Services. "It's just a good deep cleaning and sanitizing."

Lang partnered with "Cleaning For A Reason" four years ago.

"I heard about the program and just thought it was perfect for us. I had lost several family members to cancer," she said.

But it wasn't until just a few months ago, that her mission became even more personal.

"This last summer, then I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer, so now I thoroughly understand what the cancer patients are going through and how awful the fatigue can be," Lang said.

Fortunately, both women now have a good prognosis.

McMaids donated more than 150 cleaning services in the Chicago-area last year.

For every person who likes their Facebook page through the end of this month, McMaids will also donate another dollar to Cleaning For A Reason.

If you would like to sign up for the service, or nominate a loved one, click here.

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