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Fall Garden Ideas From The Chicago Botanic Garden

CHICAGO (CBS) -- As we begin September, it's the perfect time to talk fall gardening.

Joining CBS 2's Ed Curran in the studio this morning is Tim Pollak,  outdoor floriculturist with the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Pollak said fall container gardens are a great idea for autumn.

"This is a great time to change out container gardens. At the garden centers, the nurseries and in grocery stores, you're going to start to see the fall plants that are available. And there's a lot of new things that are out there," said Pollak.

Including celosias, also known as cock's comb.

"The great thing about these is the colors get intense as it gets cooler," he added.

Pollak said when you go to the store and look for mums, look for the ones that are still tight and flowery.

"You don't want to find mums that are already fully open because they'll only give you a week or two of color," said Pollak.

Visit the Chicago Botanic Garden site for more information on the best kinds of flowers and plants to get for the fall.

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