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Spring Allergy Symptoms Can Look Like COVID-19 Symptoms; Here's The Difference

CHICAGO (CBS)-- Everyone is keeping a close eye on their health, and while we're all watching for COVID-19, spring is also bringing allergies.

Due to the mild winter, allergies could be even worse this year. The problem issue is some allergy symptoms can look like COVID-19 symptoms.

CBS 2 spoke to an allergist, to figure out what we should all be on the lookout for.

Sneezing can be a symptom of either, but sneezing multiple times in a row, is likely allergies.

Dr. John Latall said itchy eyes, itchy nose and congestion are likely just allergies. Keep in mind, you can have allergies and COVID-19 at the same time.

So, keep an eye on your temperature.

"With COVID, you're going to have more of a tendency to have a fever which you would not see with allergies and asthma and you almost might have what's called anosmia which is a sudden onset of the inability to taste or smell," Latall said.

Another isue to keep in mind is pet allergies. A lot of people are adopting and fostering pets and there are a lot of dog walkers out right now.

Introducing new pets into your life could also mean introducing new allergies.

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