DePaul Student Accused Of Ripping Off Hundreds In Online Toilet Paper Scam
CHICAGO (CBS) -- A DePaul student is now accused of ripping off hundreds in an online toilet paper scam. Victims didn't lose large amounts of money, but the scheme was run hundreds of time over, and that can add up.
CBS 2 is not identifying that student because he has not been charged with a crime.
"I was on my phone, and an ad came up for it," said victim Elaine Larson.
"I think it was Facebook. I was scrolling," said Jamie Madison. "The first x number of people and just pay shipping and we will send you."
Both Larson and Madison saw the tempting Facebook ad for Sally's Depot. It was for Angel Soft toilet paper if the customer just pays the shipping. Both did, but the toilet paper never came.
"I tried to email them and got back a response that the email didn't exist," said Madison.
"I looked them up on Facebook and saw other people commenting, and it thought ok well obviously I was taken," said Larson.
On Facebook there are loads of other victims claiming they were had as well. Online forum Scam Pulse details how Sally's Depot is nothing more than a thief behind a keyboard.
"The idea of taking advantage of a global pandemic to steal money from people is just disgusting to me," said Madison.
CBS 2 has tried repeatedly for over a week to reach DePaul's communications team for comment but there has not been a single call back.
"I don't care if I get my $20 back but I do think that he deserves that that people know he is willing to be that kind of person